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Tours & Services

Tours 2019 & 2020


Tour 1: Fairy Meadows and Nanga Parbat Base Camp | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Raikot Bridge - Tato Village - Beyal - Fairy Meadows - Nanga Parbat Base Camp - Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 2: Upper Hunza and Khunjarab Pass| Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Hunza - Passu - Shimshal - Khunjarab Pass - Passu- Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 3: Kalash Valley | Pictures

Islamabad - Chitra l- Bamburet - Birir- Rumbur - Chitral - Islamabad

Tour 4: Ghizer Valley up to Shandur Pass | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Khalti Lake - Phandar - Shandur Pass - Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 5: Heritage Tours: The British Trail for the Siege of Chitral Fort | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Ghizer Valley - Mastuj - Chitral - Islamabad

Tour 6: The Karakorum Highway (KKH) | Pictures

Islamabad - Besham - Gilgit - Hunza - Passu - Khunjarab Pass - Kashgar (Kaxgar) - Khunjarab Pass - Passu - Hunza - Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 7: Trekking to the Rakaposhi & Diran Base Camp | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Karimabad - Rakaposhi & Diran Base Camp

Tour 8: Wildlife on the Deosai Plateau | Pictures

Islamabad - Skardu- Deosai Plateau - Astore - Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 9: Explore Baltistan: The valley of the Indus river and the Deosai Plateau | Pictures

Islamabad - Skardu - Shiger Valley - Deosai Plain - Khaplu Valley

Tour 10: Mountain Vistas: Trekking to Patundas | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Karimabad - Passu - Patundas

Tour 11: The Hunza valley in spring: The almond & apricot blossom | Pictures

Islamabad - Gilgit - Karimabad - Passu - Gilgit - Islamabad

Tour 12: Heritage Tours: Historical Tours in Punjab and Sindh province

Lahore and the Moghul heritage; Karachi and its cultural heritage, history and vibrant new art; Mohenjo Daro, one of the world`s most ancient cities and local Indus civilizations, shrines and temples and the dessert Thar.

Tour 13: Your tour individually designed for you!

This tour will be customized according to your liking, taste and wishes

Tour 14: Wilderness Training

Training on "bush craft", survival techniques in harsh nature and outdoor training to be prepared for trekking far away from any amenities of the city life.

Services - Private trips for active travelers

You do not plan to book a tour package; you enjoy most by travelling on your own path and rhythm. Still, you like some comfort like hotel rooms, a car, information about trekking trails, camping sites, back-up services, or availability of food and porters. Contact us! It is our pleasure to be your trusted partner for each detail of your tours.


We offer special interest tours. If you are interested in a specialized topic, like flora & fauna of the Hindu Kush or Karakorum, or geology and geography of the Karakorum Range, culture of the Broshuski; the Hunzakuts or the Wakhi, embroidered or handwoven textile, or the Indus culture, whatever your interests are, share them with us. We will provide you with another passionate local expert, who is as passionate about the topic as you are. He or she will be with you and will share all his/her knowledge and experience with you.


For internationals living in Pakistan and for our guests from abroad we offer the service of obtaining a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Ministry of Interiors, when required and when traveling to restricted areas.


We endeavor to take care of you comprehensively and be considerate of your priorities.


It is our understanding of hospitality and care that makes us want to assist you in each aspect. No matter what you need to make your trekking and tour a memorable one, please contact us. It is our pleasure to be at your service for the missing links.

Security & Safety


Trekking or travelling in mountain areas like the Hindu Kush, the Himalayas or the Karakorum requires special precautions from your side as well as from ours.

Our tour guides are trained to handle the normal health and security issues which may occur during a tour.

During a tour we have a 24/7 security back-up service in our office in Islamabad. We maintain good relationship with security offices and rescue teams. Our tour guides have satellite phones with which they can stay in contact with our back-up service in Islamabad.

We believe that travelling and trekking without any bias adds to the free and tremendous enjoyment of the mighty, snow-capped mountains of the Karakorum, Hindu Kush and the Himalayas, or any other stunningly beautiful place in Sindh and Punjab and all over Pakistan.


Contact us


We want to get to know you. For us, there is no better way than a phone call +92 (03) 300 5070 346. However, if you want to get in touch with us right away, please complete this form and we will get back to you shortly.

Send us an ►  e-mail

Partner with us


Due to a great collaboration with tour operators and service providers all over Pakistan, we have the ability to compile an attractive program with favorable conditions, no matter what your preferences are.


For tours in the Punjab, Sindh or Balochistan, we partner with well established, local tour operators, who have the best knowledge and expertise on local conditions, culture and places.


We cooperate with our German partner company for tours and trainings in which techniques on outdoor and bushcraft will be trained and directly applied in the overwhelming environment of Hindu Kush and Karakorum. The German partner company will provide their knowledge and expertise for the wilderness training and we will provide our local expertise and logistic backup.

Tour Guides: Ali Madad & his Team

Ali Madad

Ali Madat

My name is Ali Madad, I am the tour manager and one of the founders of Karakorum Trekking. For many years, it is my dream to have my own tour company.


I come from Passu Gojal Hunza, a beautiful valley in the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan, near the Chinese border. After completion of my basic education in Passu, I moved to Gilgit and joined the tourism department (TRAVEL WALJI`S) in 1996. I had always dreamt of joining the tourism industry. It was a perfect outlet for my outgoing personality.


My first trekking experience was assisting an American group to the base camp of K2. The day was adventurous but full of wonders. The harsh weather conditions discouraged me but my love and passion for mountaineering kept me going and all the members, and leaders of the trekking team appreciated my work.


The competition in tourism and the tremendous flow of tourists in Pakistan, forced me to learn foreign languages (English and Japanese). I started learning Japanese in 2001 from National University of Modern Languages Islamabad and completed the Diploma in December 2002. In 2003, I guided the tour of a Japanese group for the first time on the Karakorum Highway (KKH).


Dealing with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds helped me learn about national and international tourists, their interests and their linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Also, it helped me learn about the services required for the tourism industry. Based on my long practical experience within the hospitality and tourism sector, I was fortunate enough to be selected as a Principal Candidate for the 2012-2013 Community College Initiative Program for "Hospitality and Tourism Management". I did my diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Scottsdale Community College, Arizona (USA).


This allowed me to gain advanced knowledge and qualifications.


I love good food, I enjoy travelling, listening to the songs from old films and the ghazals of Jagjit Singh, Pankaj Udas and Madam Noor Jehan. I like to dance to our traditional music, the kind we have at our weddings.


The Team


I am proud and blessed working with such a strong, experienced and dedicated team. For making your trekking and traveling sound and smooth, the administrative and logistic wing of Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd. is mine and your backbone for each tour. My right hand is our Head Tour Guide who is in charge for our Tour Guides, their professional and personal competencies, attitude and behaviour, for their training and for a relaxed and safe logistic of each tour.


Karakorum Trekking

We are your tour guides in Pakistan. Our heartbeat is tuned to enchant you with the grandiose wilderness and the majestic snow-capped mountain giants located in the north of Pakistan, in Gilgit-Baltistan and in Khyber Pakthunkhwa. Trekking with ponies or yaks from the Hindu Kush to the "Roof of the World", known as "Little Tibet" located in the Pamirs is a lifetime experience.

Trekking and travelling in the highest mountain ranges of our planet, the Himalayas, in the Hindu Kush and the Karakorum gives you a feeling of the majesty of life, freedom and you might touch your own strength and power. From enjoying the apricot and almond blossoms in the mountain spring, to following the path of the mighty and mythical Indus River to the ocean, you will be embraced by Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan.

Travelling on the Karakoram Highway means, you will travel on parts of the legendary Silk Road. Today the Karakorum Highway gains again its strategic importance as part of the route of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). For more than thousand years now, the Karakorum Highway connects Central Asia with the subcontinent and provides the way down the mountains and to the lower lands near Islamabad. Further, Pakistan opens its gates to the south and invites you to explore its cultural splendour, the poetic music, Moghul history, its bustling, colourful cities and the diverse culture of the people of Pakistan. The magnificent scenery and the interesting people enchant at every turn.

Feel invited with a warm welcome to visit Pakistan!


Our mission statement & values

Explore! - The blue sky is the limit.

Our mission is to share with you the immense strength, magnificent beauty and wildlife of nearly untouched nature in the Himalayas, the Karakorum and the Hindu Kush ranges in the north of Pakistan. We will give you a taste of the diverse colorful cultures in Pakistan`s south, in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan. We would like to invite you to be enchanted and fascinated by the rhythmic tunes of the music and poetic lyrics touching your heart, by poetry and wisdom told and carried on at log fires and at cultural festivals, by heritage trades showing the art of handicraft and the sense for beauty accompanying everyday commodities people live with, use and have around them.

We like to share with you, as our honored guest, cultural diversity, wild spectacular views and rich biodiversity and wildlife by offering knowledgeable, safeguarded service which allows adventurous trekking tours or relaxed, dreamy days in an atmosphere of warm hospitality.

In all our tours, either adventurous trekking tours with ponies or yaks, or comfort tours traveling in a 4x4 car, we weave a bond of common interests with the local communities. These communities earn their income by offering services like meals, provide porters, ponies or yaks, traditional trekking food and are encouraged to produce products based on heritage trades like embroidery, hand woven wool textiles with natural dye.

Our tour guides are always born and grown up in the area they operate in and guide the tours. They are trained as tour guides, in all aspect to make your tour smooth and pleasurable. They are trained in safety and security, in history, geography and environmental preservation.

Explore! - Let the magnificence radiate in your happiness.


All about Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd.

Karakorum Trekking is a private company limited by shares. Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd. is a dream of its founders. Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd. is the fruition of this dream to have a tour company and to share the magnificent beauty and diverse culture of Pakistan with our guests. The company and its services are based on more than 20 years of professional experience in tour management of one of the founders. All the tour guides we are working with are experienced "old-hands" in tour guiding and all were born and grew up in the area they are guiding the tours through.
We believe that where you travel is important and how you travel is what makes all the difference.
Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd. sets the standard in custom-designed private travel in Pakistan.
We offer some of the most exciting and extraordinary places you can travel to in Pakistan.

Legal Disclosure and Terms & Conditions / Impressum

Download: Karakorum Trekking Booking Terms & Conditions as PDF-Document


Karakorum Trekking (Pvt.) Ltd.

Cell Phone & WhatsApp:
+92 (0) 300 5070 346

Postal Address:
Plot No. 247, street No. 6
Islamabad - Pakistan